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5 vs 5
Rainbow Six Benelux Brawl
7/16 Équipes



Platform: Offline - PlayStation || Online - PlayStation or Xbox.

Game: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Format: Single Elimination Best-of-One (BO1), with Grand Finals at GFM NL as Best-of-Three (BO3)

Date & Time: September 23, 13:00 onwards.

• Players must be 18yo+.
• Rosters must have 3/5 players residing in Belgium or the Netherlands.
No substitutes allowed for the Online portion, up to one sub for the finals.

Finals: Best of 3, taking place at GameForce NL on October 8th from 15:00 to 18:00. More information will follow.
Travel & Accommodation costs non-included.


Map Pool:
• Border
• Chalet
• Club House
• Bank
• Kafe
• Oregon
• Skyscraper
• Consulate
• Nighthaven Labs

HUD Settings:
• Pro League

Match Settings:
• Number of Bans: 4
• Ban Timer: 20
• Number of rounds: 12
• Attacker/defender roleswap: 6
• Overtime rounds: 3
• Overtime Score Difference: 2
• Overtime Role Change: 1
• Objective rotation parameter: 2
• Objective type rotation: Rounds Played
• Pick phase timer: 15
• Operator HP: 100
• Friendly fire damage: 100
• Reverse Friendly Fire: OFF
• Injured: 20
• Sprint: ON
• Lean: On
• Death Duration: 2        
• Death replay: Off

Gamemode Settings: Bomb
• Plant duration: 7
• Defuse duration: 7
• Fuse Time: 45
• Defuse carrier selection: On
• Preparation Phase Duration: 45
• Action Phase Duration: 180

Tactical Time-Outs:
• Request available per team: 1
• Allow request from: Players
• Time-out duration: 45


If you have any questions, suggestions or problems regarding the rules or the competition, you can always contact us via Twitter of Discord.

Mail: info-nl@gameforce.gg
Discord: https://discord.gg/5rQuwXEtqa


1. Mapvote and Hosting Rights
Both teams take turns banning a map until only one remains. Team A starts with banning and can choose whether they start as attacker or defender. Team B chooses the side to start in overtime.

2. Match Results
Both teams must enter the correct match result in the "Results" tab on the tournament website. If there is no agreement on the score, it is necessary to upload a screenshot of the score so that a mod can enter the correct score.

In-Game Rules

1. Forbidden Actions
Any action that provides an unfair advantage is not permitted. This includes bugs, glitches and third party hardware (e.g. M&K/Strikepacks/mods,....). If the admins or moderators receive evidence of this, this will result in a DQ

2. Disconnect
If a player leaves the game during the round, they continue uninterrupted. (The round starts with the first second of the preparation phase). The game host pauses the custom game during the pick phase (Options - pause) so that the player can rejoin.
- If the player cannot rejoin, a rehost will take place.
- If anyone from the same team leaves the match after the rehost, the game will continue with the remaining number of players.
- If a player leaves the game before the match (before the first prep phase), the game must be restarted. This does not count as a rehost!

3. Rehost
Each team can request 1 rehost per map. If you want to rehost, indicate this in the chat and then leave the match at the end of the round!
- Ideally, a rehost happens without the intervention of a moderator. If no match is found, create a ticket. The moderator will then decide whether or not there will be a rehost.
- A moderator can require a rehost at any time if he/she deems it necessary.

4. Wrong Game Settings
The host of the custom game is responsible for the correct settings. If these settings are wrong, the victory will go to the other team.
* If this rule is violated, collect evidence, exit the custom game and create a ticket.


By participating in this tournament, you agree with the rules. We keep the right to change the rules if needed.

Teams must confirm their presence with a check-in one hour before the official start of the tournament. If you fail to do so, your team will not be able to play in that tournament.

Make sure to have at least one member of your team (e.g. captain) present on the server to contact admins/opponents. 

If a team is not ready to start playing the game 15 minutes after the official starting time of the tournament, they will be disqualified. Before disqualification, this always has to be confirmed by an admin.

Issues and Conflicts
If problems occur, try to solve them without a moderator based on the rules. If this is not possible, please create a ticket so that a moderator can solve this.
-          Always indicate clearly what the problem is and which rule has been broken
-          The content of a protest is something between the moderator and both teams. This information cannot be shared.
Please note that admins have the final say and those discussions are not up for debate.

Game Recording
We encourage everyone to record all of their gameplay. We retain the right to ask you to submit your gameplay should a cheating report be given. This also works the other way, where you may need to submit your footage if you think someone's cheating.

Competitive Integrity & Cheating
It is essential for all players to uphold the values of fair play for a pleasant competitive environment.  As per normal competitive ruling, the use of external programs to improve one’s gameplay, such as (but not limited to) bots, aim locks, etc. is prohibited and will result in a 2-year ban.

Personal Streaming
Personal streams are allowed when your match is not being cast. When a player decides to stream their match, it is their responsibility to take action against stream sniping and insert a delay if necessary.

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